children served

CASA volunteers

children waiting
What CASA Volunteers Do
Once appointed to a case, a Court Appointed Special Advocate begins to learn all about the child by interviewing the child and other parties to the case.
CASA volunteers speak up for the child's best interest in court by making recommendations in regards to placement, visitation and other unique services.
All children have a voice and it is our CASA Volunteers who make sure that voice is amplified in court. Treating each child for the individual they are.
Court Appointed Special Advocates or CASA Volunteers advocate on behalf of children who have entered the juvenile court system due to abuse or neglect. This best-interest advocacy is driven by the guiding principle that children have better outcomes in their family-of-origin, and that reunification, if it can safely occur, should always take precedent.
CASA volunteers provide specific and unique-to-the-child advocacy because they are only appointed 1-2 cases at a time. This ensures every child gets atleast one adult dedicated to just their permanency, stability, and safety. Children appointed a CASA volunteer are more likely to reunify with family, are more likely to do better in school, and are more likely to spend less time in foster care.
Court Appointed Special Advocates are ordinary people willing to do extraordinary work for children.